Coronavirus Risk Assessment Information

Reviewed by: R. Allard – Date: 1st March 2022


Updated risk assessment

Do we have procedures in place to deal with any pupil or staff displaying symptoms at school? Do we have additional rooms designated for pupils with suspected COVID-19 whilst collection is arranged?

During the school day, if pupils display COVID-19 symptoms they will be moved to a designated room while parents of children are telephoned, and a COVID test is recommended. We have ensured that we have a supply of gloves and masks for staff dealing with this potential issue.


Have we ensured classrooms and spaces in school are well ventilated?

Yes. Door/ windows to be opened whenever weather permits and on colder days, door open when children are not inside. CO2 Monitors in all classrooms which notify staff when further ventilation is needed.


Use of face coverings (staff)
Use of face coverings now not in guidance, but at the discretion of the headteacher adults may be asked to use of face coverings in school/ communal areas during a period of an outbreak of cases.


Have we ensured additional cleaning procedures are in place?

Antibacterial spray or wipes provided in each classroom, staff toilet, office space or work/staffroom areas. Cleaning regime in place.


Have we considered the use of lateral flow tests for staff?

Until April 2022 (lateral flow tests not available for ordering by schools after this date), staff to continue to test using lateral flow tests twice a week where the school has stock and if there are confirmed cases in school.


Have we considered what will happen if a child or staff member tests positive (self-isolation guidance)?

Following guidance, anyone testing positive (children or adults) will:

  • Continue to be advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
  • After 5 days, they may choose to take a Lateral Flow Device (LFD) followed by another the next day - if both are negative, and they do not have a temperature, they can safely return to school.
  • Those who test positive should avoid contact with anyone in an at-risk group, including if they live in the same household.


Have we considered prioritising vulnerable pupils for face-to-face education?

All pupils now able to access provision (including extremely clinically vulnerable). Any child testing positive will continue to access remote education if well enough.


Have we considered changes to procedure in the event of an outbreak (as defined and identified by UKHSA)?

Yes – as above plus some or all of the following at the discretion of the headteacher:


  • Class bubbles return (Outdoors with better ventilation, Key stage groups may be together – EYFS, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2.)
  • Staff do not need to wear face coverings in the classroom but need to wear them in central areas.
  • All staff meetings are virtual.
  • All Collective Worship events are virtual.
  • Playtimes are staggered for bubbles.
  • Pinch points have been identified and managed accordingly