Tiger Cubs, Foundation Stage 1

Curriculum Statement

EYFS Intent statement.pdf



Big Wide World

Welcome to Tiger Cubs!!!

Your teachers will be Mrs Burgin, Miss Highton and Mrs Hitchens

Our next topic is called…

Big Wide World. In this project, your child will find out about the world in which they live. They will learn about different climates and explore habitats, including their flora and fauna. They will locate the United Kingdom on a world map and compare life in the United Kingdom with life elsewhere. They will also learn about caring for their environment, both locally and beyond.

Supporting your child at home

Use  Google Earth to explore where you live and look up places you would like to visit.
Talk about places around the world you have visited, or places that family members or friends live. Look at the places on a map and talk about ways to travel.
If you go on holiday, send a postcard to school to show where you went.
Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.

As Foundation Stage 1 we will be singing lots of songs daily, especially nursery rhymes as this helps with our speech, sounds and awareness of rhyme and rhythm.

We will explore early counting with simple number songs and games.

We will enjoy all kinds of stories linked to our topic or simply ones that we like.

But most of all we will learn to play and learn together, build good friendships, begin to understand what makes us and others happy or sad, and work together to create a safe, happy and nurturing environment for us all.

Don’t forget to look out for photos we put on your child’s Dojo and please share experiences from home on there too.  We love learning about the things the children enjoy out of school.

Did you know and Home learning documents.

Home Learning - Big Wide World

Did you know? Big Wide World

Useful websites
CBeebies– Where in the World?
CBeebies – Andy’s Safari
Google Earth

Good reads


Our World: A First Book of Geography- Sue Lowell Gallion 
All Around the World - Geraldine Cosneau 
Fatou Fetch the Water - Nick Griffiths 
Welcome to Our World: A Celebration of Children Everywhere - Moira Butterfield 
Under the Same Sky - Britta Teckentrup 
Handa’s Hen- Eileen Browne 

Information For Parents.

EYFS expectations poster with new development matters .pdf


Class photos