Class 4

Year 4 Summer 2024

Ancient Civilisations


This term we will be delving into the history of three of the world’s first ancient civilisations: ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. Children will learn about the rise, life, achievements and eventual end of each civilisation.

Memorable experience
What is a civilisation?
Innovate challenge
Exploring the Indus Valley civilisation
Features of civilisations; Ancient Sumer; Ancient Egypt; Indus Valley civilisation; Artefacts; Timelines; New inventions and technology; Everyday life; Social hierarchy; Significant leaders; End of ancient civilisations
Science investigations
This project teaches children about electrical appliances and safety. They construct simple series circuits and name their parts and functions, including switches, wires and cells. They investigate electrical conductors and insulators and identify common features of conductors. It also teaches children about programmable devices. They combine their learning to design and make a nightlight.


This term we will be continuing to follow White Rose Maths.  We will be consolidating our previous knowledge and using reasoning resources to cover these concepts,  

-      Decimals

-      Money

-      Time 

-      Shape

-      Statistics

-      Position and direction



We will be following the agreed Understanding Christianity and SACRE schemes for R.E.  In R.E this term we will be focusing on The Kingdom of God in Christianity answering the question, ‘When Jesus left what was the impact of Pentecost?’ During the second half of the term we will be focusing on unit 4.2 of the SACRE scheme, which answers the questions, Values – What matters most? Exploring rights and wrongs with Christians and Humanists? We will also have time for children to reflect more deeply though PSHE and circle time following our Jigsaw scheme looking at Relationships and Understanding Me. 



P.E lessons are on Wednesday and Friday; therefore, could you please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school for these days that would be greatly appreciated. This term’s sports are Basketball, Tennis, Athletics and Cricket.  These lessons will be taking place outside, where possible, sensible shoes and a warm jumper will be needed too. Girls’ hair should be tied up and jewellery removed at home where possible. 



Each week your child will have:

·         10 spellings to learn

·         A short maths homework task.

These will be sent home on a Thursday and will need to be returned to school by the following Thursday.

In line with school policy, children are asked to complete 3 reads each week. Reading diaries will be checked each week on a Monday morning.  Class 4 have a reading challenge encouraging children to read at least three times a week for ten minutes to an adult.  When they have 50, 100, 150, 200 reads recorded they will receive a certificate and have their picture displayed on our reading board in the reception area.  I know a few of our class have already achieved some of these, which is fantastic! Reading can include your child's school book or any online books on Bug Club or Read Theory or just a book at home that your child enjoys.  


I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and are ready to get stuck into this new topic as much as I am.  LET’S GO BACK IN TIME!

As always thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Mrs Allott.


Useful school website links